At this time, Jodi's waitlist for new clients is full. To schedule with Brooks or Derek, click the "Request Appointment" link below! 

Welcome to Coleman Counseling

We offer holistic and non-diagnostic mental health services to those of all ages. Therapy is hard and rewarding work; we love to meet our clients in that work, ever devoted to their wellness.
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We frame our work from a holistic, non-diagnostic, person-centered lens.


We believe that in order to do good mental health work, we have to view the health of the mind from the perspective of the whole person. As we work with you, we will challenge you beyond just your thinking, but also how you’re doing as a whole system- body, mind, and spirit. In this way, our clients see lasting changes in their wellness.


We believe that our brains do the best they can based on their experiences. We also recognize that some of the things that worked to protect our brains before, may not work in new seasons of life, and may even create barriers to our wellness.  

So, we refrain from viewing your experience as something to be labeled from a collection of disorders. Instead, we offer you the freedom to explore what you’re experiencing, feel the strengths and weaknesses of your brain’s tendencies, and grow toward the life you want for yourself.  In this way, our clients see hope for their own wellness, just as we do.


We believe that your wellness should be treated as uniquely as you are. We center your counseling experience, each session, around you. That means each of our clients has a unique experience here, based on their struggles, their goals, and their experiences. In this way, our clients feel personally partnered with, cared for, and heard.